Do you have an idea that could benefit your company?
Our team of web developers can help you bring it to reality
Websites can provide more than a means to share information, with the integration of web applications, today’s websites can be client side (viewable to the public through a domain and browser) or server side (which can be interpreted through a web server and not generally available to the public). These applications can be custom designed to fit your needs.
Imagine being able to assign tasks, track inventory, control event registration, create custom forms or issue reports, this is just a small sampling of what we have done and what can be done.

A Few of Our Custom Web Applications

TAMS is a custom designed tower and antenna management system. The TAMS application allows users with a secure login to manage inventory and equipment related to the telecommunications industry.

Physician Accreditation Management
Commissie Accreditatie Nascholing (CAN) is an independent committee tasked to assess accreditation requests, register physician attendance. Softweb's team worked closely with CAN to provide them with a suitable web-based program offering secure access for their members.

Exam and Certification Manager
Softweb's certificate and exam web application was designed to manage and monitor ship registration, exams and certificates. Featuring registration, monitoring and reporting features, this application was custom made for a government agency.